Sunday, June 11, 2017

Wicked curve balls that save your life

You know when you get some news. Life changing news. Even if you knew it was a possibility, the stark news becoming reality shocks you and sends you through every emotion you have. I truly believe that sometimes these wicked curve balls are needed. It was for me. I was way too comfortable. I was in a funk. I wasn't living up to my potential. I wasn't living my best life.

Enter said curve ball-- it took me a few days to settle into to the reality. I was sitting on my back porch, which I do all the time, thinking about everything. I was looking up at the hundreds of stars I could see. It was there that my perspective change. I felt the attitude shift. The light switch was turned on. It was never gonna be the same. I wasn't ever gonna look back again.

I decided to be truly happy.... not just for a moment or when something good happened. I will be happy and joyful all the time. I will do the things that make me happy. I also stopped doing the things I felt obligated to do that made me absolutely miserable. I stopped saying yes to stupid stuff. I stopped doing things just because I felt like I had to do them. I started saying it wasn't a priority. I became grateful for everything, whether it was the birds singing in the morning to my neighbor mowing his grass at six in the morning. I refuse to give this up ever again.

It put me on a self love journey that should have happened years ago. I've always been overly critical of myself, always striving for perfection. Suddenly that just seemed idiotic. I began seeing my body as amazing. I mean it made two of the most precious children in the world. It's got me through so many health scares. It's put up with me taking bad care of myself. It's worked hard to get me back in the best shape I've ever been in my life. It hasn't failed me. I stopped thinking about all the things I needed to do better or where I fall short. I began seeing truly how far I've come. I saw the things I wanted to improve as a journey and became excited instead of depressed.

It made me wanna push myself. I want to do every scary thing I've always been afraid to do. I want to grab life by the balls and tell it to hang on tight. It doesn't know who it's messing with here. I'm a warrior princess. I am going to savor every life moment. I am never gonna forget all these amazing things. I will adventure more. I will shift  my priorities and start  doing things I've wanted to do but always put on the back burner. I began smiling nonstop as I worked harder, loved harder, and played harder than I ever have.

Basically I am going to do all the things that sets my soul on fire and makes me feel passionate about life.

So thank you life. This curve ball was needed. I think you knew that though. Here's to you... I'll make you proud

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